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Mt Baker from the northeast
Tyson grabbing some water from the source
Also Mt Baker
A representative hillside covered in wildflowers
The view from the top of yellow aster butte
Some lupine
I'm pretty sure this is what the butte was named after
Not sure what this is, but I'm going with grouse
This picture is pretty big. You can full view by clicking the button that looks like a square with an arrow coming out of it
Near our camp site at copper lake
Granite with some sort of forest green inclusion
This is our campsite at copper lake
Rendered more fantastical
The view from the fire lookout at the top of copper ridge. This is looking towards Canada, which is just a couple miles away
Mt Baker and Mt Shuksan
The valley between the misty mountains filled with a sea of clouds over the course of 15 minutes or so. I probably should have taken a time lapse.
Alpenglow on Bear Mountain and Indian Mountain in North Cascades National Park
Mineral Mountain
This egg lake, where we camped the first night.
Be patient for the next picture; it takes a minute to load
This is Nick looking out from the lookout on the top of copper ridge. Again, full view is the square button with the arrow coming out of it